- 28C3 Closing Event [28C3]
- 28C3 Keynote: Evgeny Morozov - Marriage From Hell
- 7 years, 400+ podcasts, and a whole lot of Frequent Flyer Miles [28C3]
- 802.11 Packets in Packets [28C3]
- A Brief History of Plutocracy [28C3]
- Apple vs. Google Client Platforms [28C3]
- Automatic Algorithm Invention with a GPU [28C3]
- Behind the scenes of a C64 demo [28C3]
- Bionic Ears - Introduction into State-of-the-Art Hearing Aid Technology [28C3]
- Bitcoin - An Analysis [28C3]
- Black Ops of TCP/IP 2011, a cleanup of the BH USA talk. [28C3]
- BuggedPlanet - Surveillance Industry & Country's Actings [28C3]
- Building a Distributed Satellite Ground Station Network - A Call To Arms [28C3]
- Building a sniffer for the Osmo-GMR satphones [28C3]
- bup: Git for backups [28C3]
- CCC Camp 2011 Video Impressions [28C3]
- Cellular protocol stacks for Internet - GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA demystified [28C3]
- Changing techno-optimists by shaking up the bureaucrats [28C3]
- ChokePointProject - Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? [28C3]
- Cory Doctorow: The coming war on general computation [28C3]
- Counterlobbying EU institutions [28C3]
- Crowdsourcing Genome Wide Association Studies [28C3]
- Datamining for Hackers [28C3]
- Data Mining the Israeli Census [28C3]
- DC+, The Protocol [28C3]
- Deceiving Authorship Detection [28C3]
- Defending mobile phones [28C3]
- Does Hacktivism Matter? [28C3]
- Don't scan, just ask - A new approach of identifying vulnerable web applications [28C3]
- Effective Denial of Service attacks against web application platforms [28C3]
- Electronic money: The road to Bitcoin and a glimpse forward [28C3]
- EU privacy and the internet of things [28C3]
- Evolving custom communication protocols [28C3]
- Fnord News Show 2011 (english translation) [28C3]
- Food-Hacking: Eating in the Anthropocene [28C3]
- From Press Freedom to the Freedom of information [28C3]
- Hacker Jeopardy [28C3;Translation(english)]
- Hacker Jeopardy - Number guessing for geeks [28C3]
- Hacking MFPs [28C3]
- How governments have tried to block Tor [28C3]
- Implementation of MITM Attack on HDCP-Secured Links [28C3]
- KinectFusion - Real-time 3D Reconstruction and Interaction Using a Moving Depth Camera [28C3]
- Lightning Talks Day 2 [28C3]
- Lightning Talks Day 3 [28C3]
- Lightning Talks Day 4 [28C3]
- Macro dragnets: Why trawl the river when you can do the whole ocean [28C3]
- New Ways I'm Going to Hack Your Web App [28C3]
- NOC Review about the Camp 2011 and 28C3 [28C3]
- Not your Grandfathers moon landing [28C3]
- Ooops I hacked my PBX [28C3]
- Open source music: Tracking 2.0 [28C3]
- Pentanews Game Show 2k11/3 [28C3]
- Post Memory Corruption Memory Analysis [28C3]
- Power gadgets with your own electricity [28C3]
- Print Me If You Dare - Firmware Modification Attacks and the Rise of Printer Malware [28C3]
- Privacy Invasion or Innovative Science? [28C3]
- Quantified-Self and OpenBCI Neurofeedback Mind-Hacking [28C3]
- Quantum of Science - How quantum information differs from classical [28C3]
- r0ket++ The CCC-Badge [28C3]
- Resilience Towards Leaking or Why Julian Assange Might Be Wrong After All [28C3]
- Reverse-engineering a Qualcomm baseband [28C3]
- Reverse Engineering USB Devices [28C3]
- Rootkits in your Web application [28C3]
- SCADA and PLC Vulnerabilities in Correctional Facilities [28C3]
- Security Log Visualization with a Correlation Engine [28C3]
- Security Nightmares 2011 [28C3]
- Smart Hacking For Privacy [28C3]
- Sovereign Keys - A proposal for fixing attacks on CAs and DNSSEC [28C3]
- String Oriented Programming [28C3]
- Taking control over the Tor network [28C3]
- The Atari 2600 Video Computer System: The Ultimate Talk [28C3]
- The best of The oXcars [28C3]
- The engineering part of social engineering [28C3]
- The future of cryptology: which 3 letters algorithm(s) could be our Titanic? [28C3]
- The movements against state-controlled Internet in Turkey [28C3]
- The Science of Insecurity [28C3]
- Time is on my Side - Exploiting Timing Side Channel Vulnerabilities on the Web [28C3]
- Towards a Single Secure European Cyberspace? [28C3]
- What is in a name? - Identity-Regimes from 1500 to the 2000s [28C3]
- What is WhiteIT and what does it aim for? [28C3]
- Your Disaster/Crisis/Revolution just got Pwned [28C3]
- 28C3 - 802 11 packets in packets
- 28C3 - almighty dna and beyond
- 28C3 - antiforensik
- 28C3 - apple vs google client platforms
- 28C3 - bionic ears
- 28C3 - bitcoin an analysis
- 28C3 - black ops of tcp/ip 2011
- 28C3 - buggedplanet
- 28C3 - bup git for backups
- 28C3 - can trains be hacked
- 28C3 - cellular protocol stacks for internet
- 28C3 - changing techno optimists by shaking up the bureaucrats
- 28C3 - chokepointproject
- 28C3 - closing event
- 28C3 - counterlobbying eu institutions
- 28C3 - crowdsourcing genome wide association studies
- 28C3 - datamining for hackers
- 28C3 - data mining the israeli census
- 28C3 - datenvieh oder daten fee
- 28C3 - dc plus the protocol
- 28C3 - deceiving authorship detection
- 28C3 - defending mobile phones
- 28C3 - demokratie auf saechsisch
- 28C3 - der staatstrojaner aus sicht der technik
- 28C3 - dick size war for nerds
- 28C3 - die spinnen die sachsen
- 28C3 - does hacktivism matter
- 28C3 - dont scan just ask
- 28C3 - eating in the anthropocene
- 28C3 - echtes netz
- 28C3 - effective dos attacks against web application platforms
- 28C3 - ein mittelsmannangriff auf ein digitales signiergeraet
- 28C3 - electronic money
- 28C3 - eu datenschutz internet der dinge
- 28C3 - evolving custom communication protocols
- 28C3 - frag den staat
- 28C3 - from press freedom to the freedom of information
- 28C3 - hacking mfps
- 28C3 - how governments have tried to block tor
- 28C3 - implementation of mitm attack on hdcp secured links
- 28C3 - introducing osmo gmr
- 28C3 - keynote
- 28C3 Keynote Evgeny Morozov - Marriage From Hell
- 28C3 - kinectfusion
- 28C3 - macro dragnets
- 28C3 - mining your geotags
- 28C3 - neo feudalism or why julian assange might be wrong after all
- 28C3 - neue leichtigkeit
- 28C3 - new ways im going to hack your web app
- 28C3 - noc review
- 28C3 - not your grandfathers moon landing
- 28C3 - post memory corruption memory analysis
- 28C3 - power gadgets with your own electricity
- 28C3 - print me if you dare
- 28C3 - quantified self and neurofeedback mind hacking
- 28C3 - quantum of science
- 28C3 - r0ket
- 28C3 - reverse engineering usb devices
- 28C3 - rootkits in your web application
- 28C3 - scade and plc vulnerabilities in correctional facilities
- 28C3 - security nightmares
- 28C3 - smart hacking for privacy
- 28C3 - sovereign keys
- 28C3 - string oriented programming
- 28C3 - taking control over the tor network
- 28C3 - the atari 2600 video computer system the ultimate talk
- 28C3 - the best of the oxcars
- 28C3 - the coming war on general computation
- 28C3 - the future of cryptology
- 28C3 - the movement against state controlled internet in turkey
- 28C3 - time is on my side
- 28C3 - tresor
- 28C3 - what is whiteit
- 28C3 - your disaster crisis revolution just got pwned
- Bitcoin - An Analysis [28C3]
- Deceiving Authorship Detection [28C3]