- Aligning Threats and Allies through Stories J Wolfgang Goerlich and Steven Fox
- Bioinformatics Erasing the line between biology and hacking Krystal Thomas White and Patrick Thomas
- Building an AppSec Program from Scratch Chris Pfoutz
- Bypassing EMET 41 Jared DeMott
- Call of Community Modern Warfare Matt Johnson & Ben Ten
- Checklist Pentesting; Not checklist hacking Trenton Ivey
- closing
- Comparing Risks to Risks Why Asset Management Is Broken and How to Fix It Michael Roytman
- Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Infosec I Learned from Hollywood Tom Ervin
- Hacking Diversity in InfoSec Greg Thomas
- How To Win Friends and Influence Hackers Jimmy Vo
- InfoSec Big Joke 3rd Party Assessments moey
- intro
- jail
- Looking for the Weird Charles Herring
- Minecraft Security Riese Goerlich
- Seeing Purple Hybrid Security Teams for the Enterprise Belt
- Sit stay proxy Good beagle Why I love the beaglebone black and why you should too Colin Vallance
- The SMB Security Gap Mike Kavka
- The Ultimate INFOSEC Interview Why must I be surrounded by frickin idiots Dr Evil 1997 Stephen Heath