- Bsides 2013 how to become an unwitting accomplice in a phishing attack mark hufe hufemj
- BSidesDE 2013 1 1 110 years of vulnerabilities brian martin aka jericho
- BSidesDE 2013 1 11 software security game day evan oslick eoslick
- BSidesDE 2013 1 2 html 5 security justin klein keane @madirish2600
- BSidesDE 2013 1 4 cloud business and academia bringing it all together cloud security alliance delaw
- BSidesDE 2013 1 5 uncloaking ip addresses on irc derek callaway decalresponds
- BSidesDE 2013 1 6 baking even more clam av s for fun profit nathan gibbs christ media
- BSidesDE 2013 1 6 baking even more clam av s for fun profit nathan gibbs christ media 2nd try
- BSidesDE 2013 1 8 introducing intelligence into your malware analysis brian baskin
- BSidesDE 2013 1 9 another log to analyze utilizing dns to detect malware in your network nathan magn
- BSidesDE 2013 2 1 winning isnt everything how trolling can be as much fun joey l0stkn0wledge
- BSidesDE 2013 2 2 antipwny a windows based ids ips for metasploit rohan vazarkar david bitner
- BSidesDE 2013 2 3 playing the forensics game forensic analysis of gaming applications for fun and pr
- BSidesDE 2013 2 4 project phree phucking the nsa bts square r00t
- BSidesDE 2013 2 6 hacking benjamins bob weiss pwcrack
- bsidesde 2013 growing up in the information security community forgottensec
- BsidesDE 2013 LinkedAllUpIn Your Email utkonos
- BsidesDE 2013 Pentoo Zero Chaos
- Bsides Delaware 2013 Wireless Penetration Testing For Realz Mellendick