- Dr Gareth Owen: TOR - Attacks and Countermeasures
- Gavin Holt: Honeywords - Detectable Password Theft
- Kevin Breen: RATs and IOC's - The Easy Way
- Ollie Whitehouse: Defensive Security Research is Sexy too (& Real Sign of Skill)
- Paul Amar: CSRFT, A Toolkit for CSRF Vunerabilities
- Rafal Wojtczuk - Lol Layers on Layers Bypassing Security for Fun and Profit
- Rafal Wojtczuk: LoL (Layers on Layers) - Bypassing Security for Fun and Profit V2
- Stephen de Vries: Contininuous Security Testing in a DevOps World
- Stephen de Vries: Contininuous Security Testing in a DevOps World (Rerelease)